
Saturday, May 19, 2012

Time to get growing...

#Mountainair Community Garden manager Joan Embree writes,

Gardeners and friends,
With May 15 passed, those who have adopted plots at the community garden can (probably) safely plant veggies, flowers, whatever... starting now.  A few brave souls have already put in some starts.
We work every Saturday from 10 am to about noon, and whenever else the mood strikes us. The keys to the work sheds -- tools, seeds, etc.-- are hidden out back of the sheds for access. (Just ask if you need to know where. Send my your email address too ~ it's always a pleasure to add new gardeners to our list)

Monday, May 14, 2012

#iCreate Music Outreach up date

Kay Stillion writes,

iCreate has two new music classes. On Tuesdays in Mountainair, we now offer ukulele and voice at 3:00pm, right before guitar at 4:00pm. Ukulele classes are also available at OffCenter Fridays at 3:30pm, right after guitar at 2:30pm. The guitar classes at the Shaffer have grown quite large, so we now have three guitar teachers. Pegeen Mouser is our new teacher.  

We had a recital at OffCenter, April 13th for Rick Gutierrez. A first for iCreate, this was Rick's second recital, and he did songs left handed. The guitar he had earned earlier was stolen, so he asked to do the program again but left handed. He also performed a right handed song at the recital  that he had written, It was very moving and well received.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Farmers Markets, weekly festivals

WIC Nutrition Program
Our own weekly Mountainair Farm & Garden Market opens Saturday May 11, on US Hwy 60 in front of T&C Auto from 9am-1pm or sell out. This year the market is part of the WIC (Women, Infant & Children) Farmers' Market Nutrition Program.

Got questions? Want to know more about the market, volunteering, becoming a vendor? Email or call manager Rebecca Lueras,, 847-0973.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Our gardens, ourselves

An interesting art related (in my opinion) article in Local iQ about gardening, more emphasis on landscaping and decoratives than edibles but with prep for the Natural and Recycled Materials Outdoor Sculpture Show upon us at this weekend (and, have you noticed, with a different name almost every time mentioned?)

Has it ever occurred to you that your landscape may reflect one or more of your beliefs or philosophies? While many people don’t think about it, your gardening style is a huge factor in the type of landscape you create, and the landscape of your home is a reflection of your beliefs.

Read the rest at Local IQ - Our gardens, ourselves