
Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Mountainair Community Garden workday Sat Feb26 and other news

Tomas Wolff reports...

Brief Farmers Market update: Thursdays 3-7 pm in the town square space in front of Dr Saul, tentatively opening 1st Thursday in May. The Mountainair Farm and Garden Market issued a call for local growers / home gardeners, food producers and processors of hand-crafted foods, artisans to participate as vendors. Contact Rebecca Lueras,, or Kristine Lauritsen,, for more information. Vendor forms will be available soon. The steering committee is also working on developing a web presence. 

This information on starting seeds is probably too simplistic for advanced gardeners, but perhaps good for a review! 

Will anyone be attending the Water Conservation and Xeriscape Conference in Albuquerque on February 24-25 (Thursday and Friday)? Please come tell us about it at the workday and/or send a report to post here.

Next Meeting ~ Saturday Feb. 26th

The meeting will be a seeds planting day, 10 AM. We have a plan to plant at least 100 seedlings (or more) depending on our speed and thoroughness.

Friday, February 4, 2011

RBEG Applications Now Being Accepted

Applications are currently being accepted for the Rural Business Enterprise Grant (RBEG) Program, which is available to public bodies, nonprofits, and Indian tribes to facilitate and finance the development of small and emerging private business enterprises in rural areas. "Rural" is applicable to those communities up to 50,000 in population. The RBEG Program is aimed towards developing businesses which will employ 50 or less people, with less than $1 million in projected revenues. Projects focusing on the following areas are encouraged:

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

American Community Garden Association Conference, Tempe, AZ

Have you always wanted to start a community or school garden, but you just didn't know how, or are you currently involved in school and community gardening? 

You can grow your community and school garden organizing and cultivation know-how at The American Community Garden Southwest Regional Conference, April 1-2, Rio Salado Community College Conference Center, Tempe, AZ.