I've been posting occasional Peak Moment videos relevant to the iCreate mission, mostly sustainability. Who couldn't relate to "locally reliant living for challenging times"? Here's the November Newsletter.
Watch for: Community Garden Report from Joan Embree, iCreate updates including but not limited to music outreach update (mostly pictures from Tomas Wolff); Christmas Land performances by Kay, Pegeen and Lenora, meeting rescheduling, overdue report from last meeting.
November 2011 news
This peaceful place and slower pace feels in stark contrast to the quickly moving events swirling around the Occupy Movement, as it draws attention to the egregious wrongdoings on Wall Street at the expense of the many. We valued Bill Moyers' look back to How Wall Street Occupied America, and Richard Heinberg's big picture Memo to the #Occupy Movement, in which he reminds: "Given the finite nature of our planet and its resources, the recent trend of global economic expansion was destined to end."
Legalize Local Investing. Sign a petition supporting HR 2930, which will legalize investment in small local businesses. It's advocated by Michael Shuman author of Local Dollars, Local Sense: How to Shift Your Money from Wall Street to Main Street and Achieve Real Prosperity, and Peak Moment episode 44: The Slow-Mart Revolution.
Archived Radio Interviews with Janaia: "Resilience and Transition for a Changing World" on Sustainability Now Radio from Penn State. On Healing Times Radio with Dr. Emmett Miller.
Janaia's Journal
The Economy's Oily Warning System: if you'd like notes from Chris Martenson's two local presentations, e-mail Janaia. Chris is the author of The Crash Course: The Unsustainable Future of Our Energy, Economy and the Environment.
Notes from Derrick Jensen's Earth at Risk 2011 Conference with Arundhati Roy, Thomas Linzey Stephanie McMillan, Waziyatwin, Aric McBay, and Lierre Keith. My favorite quote was "Waz" quoting native American author Vine Deloria, Jr. in God is Red:
"The future of humankind lies waiting for those who will come to understand their lives and take up their responsibilities to all living things. Who will listen to the trees, the animals and birds, the voices of the places of the land?"
Latest programs
...with Treehugger reviews by Sami Grover:
- Soccer Moms Can Be Survivalists Too (episode 203)
- Why Energy Scarcity Makes Economic "Recovery" Impossible (episode 204)
Be the first in your group to get your Undrive License™ — it's great fun! You pledge to reduce automobile use — yours or others'. Seattle founder Julia Field's creative project is sparking imaginations and creativity by changing how people think about getting around — be it skateboards, sailboats, or just plain skipping the trip! Undrivers of all ages are jumping on the bandwagon, changing assumptions, and telling their empowered stories. (Janaia's outrageous Undriver License™ goes wherever her bike goes) (episode 205).
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Peak Moment TV is produced by Robyn Mallgren and Janaia Donaldson
Yuba Gals Independent Media, 15504 Lone Bobcat Way, Nevada City, CA 95959
530-265-4244 info@peakmoment.tv
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