
Sunday, June 5, 2011

A gardening related project

I could sit around twiddling my thumbs waiting for a community garden update from the garden manager or details from Kay on the Sonic Follies, a fundraising concert at Off Center Arts, but I won't... not any more than I would hold my breath waiting. Better to find something else to blog about. Serendipity strikes...

Since using Addie's to raise the tomato seedlings, there's been talk of the garden having its own small greenhouse. Blogging information about an Extension workshop on building hoop greenhouses only fed the fancy. Mountainair High School has an geodesic dome greenhouse no longer in use that they would let the Community Garden use if set up there (one of our options). We've wondered if they might let us have just the greenhouse. In any case "greenhouse" is in the air and on our minds.

Not just ours either: recently Straw Mountain Studio (Jude that is, formerly of Mountainair, now Meadsville PA) posted this:

Here is a photo journey of one of several large projects I have been working on. After almost taking out the corner of the garage, Fed Ex did deliver three very large and heavy boxes. We spent a long time opening all of the boxes and laying out the parts of this mystery project!

Of course, by now you know, we are putting together a greenhouse!

Right now we have 4 tomato plants (of three different kinds), a yellow squash, two sweet pepper plants, two different basil plants, a pot planted with Kentucky beans, a lot of onions, some spinach, and two pots of heat-loving flowers to attract those necessary pollinator insects!

from Notes From Straw Mountain Studio.... doesn't this make you want to go out and get a greenhouse of your own while following Jude's greenhouse journey?


  1. Hi Vanessa!
    I told Roy he needed to put more anchor stakes in! I had no idea our greenhouse had moved across the country! Since these photos were taken I have added more plants. It is all quite exciting!

  2. I'm hoping your project will be an inspiration to all who have been thinking greenhouse (even if they don't have a Roy to put on task), all the more encouraging for it being your 1st time. Here, greenhouses also conserve water and protect against wind erosion. We're looking forward to following your project
