Tomas Wolff reports...
Brief Farmers Market update: Thursdays 3-7 pm in the town square space in front of Dr Saul, tentatively opening 1st Thursday in May. The Mountainair Farm and Garden Market issued a call for local growers / home gardeners, food producers and processors of hand-crafted foods, artisans to participate as vendors. Contact Rebecca Lueras,, or Kristine Lauritsen,, for more information. Vendor forms will be available soon. The steering committee is also working on developing a web presence.
This information on starting seeds is probably too simplistic for advanced gardeners, but perhaps good for a review!
Will anyone be attending the Water Conservation and Xeriscape Conference in Albuquerque on February 24-25 (Thursday and Friday)? Please come tell us about it at the workday and/or send a report to post here.
Next Meeting ~ Saturday Feb. 26th
The meeting will be a seeds planting day, 10 AM. We have a plan to plant at least 100 seedlings (or more) depending on our speed and thoroughness.
The meeting will be a seeds planting day, 10 AM. We have a plan to plant at least 100 seedlings (or more) depending on our speed and thoroughness.