
Saturday, January 29, 2011

planting and playing

Planting Seeds, Tilly Strauss, Mixed Media

Planting, 10 am at Mojave Rose, S. Corbett: the community garden group meets to plant seeds for the greenhouse at Addie's place. Bring seeds and planting materials.

Playing, 1 pm Jam Session (every Saturday). Come to listen or play. Call Kay Stillion for information.

Friday, January 28, 2011

2011 Water Conservation Conference

16th Water Conservation / Xeriscape Conference and Expo


I just wanted to remind everyone that it is time to register for the 16th Water Conservation/Xeriscape Conference in Albuquerque. This 2-day Conference, 24-25 Feb, will be held at the Abq Hilton and features Pat Mulroy as opening keynoter.

Please review the agenda at and register today!


Scott Varner
Executive Director
Xeriscape Council of NM, Inc.

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Thursday, January 27, 2011

Standing Our Ground on Sustainability

Read our mission statement. Sustainability is part of it. Obviously, the Community Garden fits right in there, so does our involvement with the Farmers Market Steering Committee, both individually and as an organization.

And music? you ask. Easy.  It's more than just the creativity inherent in iCreate but also human sustainability. "Spiritual nourishment" Gregor Samsa would say (from The Metamorphosis, Franz Kafka)

So where does this belong? Another feature, say "Sustainability," or perhaps under existing "Virtual Community Garden." "La Vida Locavore" is high on the list for a sidebar feed. What do you think? Let me know.

Vanessa, resident Social Media Slave and Ariadne by default
La Vida Locavore

Standing Our Ground on Sustainability by: Jill Richardson

Monday, January 24, 2011

Virtual Community Garden: Indoor Gardening

With a brand new page/ blog for iCreate comes furnishing it, refreshing content and setting content guidelines. There is still content to migrate from the original site after updating and copy-editing. The page, currently hosting an "under construction" graphic will describe current and projected iCreate projects or programs: music outreach for the at risk youth and the homeless; the Mountainair Community Garden (which will probably end up with it's own page); (tentative) publishing an anthology of local and NM youth poetry commemorating iCreate's founder Merris Atmen, whose initial iCreate project was a Youth Poetry program. Partners needs updating and editing too. Then there are announcements and news to catch up with. Although autonomous, the Community Garden is part of iCreate, a Virtual Community Garden series makes sense ... informative and should be interesting and fun too.

The Indoor Gardening and Urban Gardening Group regularly posts gardening resources and links to gardening articles.