
Saturday, June 8, 2013

Little People’s Garden Teaches Big Life Lesson

a stellar example for the #Mountainair Community Garden consortium
“Children need to know where their food comes from,” said Liz Ludwig, Farm Service Agency county executive director.  “It’s not made in a factory; it’s grown in the soil, raised by farmers and ranchers, and cared for by people we call farmers.” 
Initiated by Ludwig, the Little People’s Garden — now in its fourth year — was planted at Kinder Kare learning center in Montevideo, providing preschoolers a hands-on opportunity to learn where their food comes from and how to make healthy food choices.
Read all of Little People’s Garden Teaches Big Life Lesson, which closes with the paragraph below, at:
USDA offers interactive and exploratory lessons as a creative way to connect gardens with nutrition messages in the classroom. Whether your garden is large or small and your growing season is long or short, these materials can help you. Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack began the People’s Garden Initiative in 2009 in an effort to challenge employees to create gardens at USDA facilities. Since that time it has grown into a collaborative effort of more than 1,200 local and national organizations working to establish community and school gardens across the country. To date, there are 1,918 gardens across the United States. Learn how to start your own at