
Saturday, March 30, 2013

2013 #Mountainair #CommunityGarden start up

Detail from community garden mural, Azusa CA. So when will our
garden get more of a mural than the big zigzag on building?
…Friday of last week, Tomas Wolff called a community garden meeting today. Not having heard to the contrary, shall we assume it is still on? Email or call 847-0324 to confirm and inquire after agenda details. Tomas writes,

Fellow gardeners,
 It being Spring, I thought it would be good idea to get together and talk about the community garden plans. How about Saturday, March 30th at 12:00 noon at the Mountain Arts on Broadway (MAOB) art center?
The trees are blooming in the valley!


  1. Last Saturday, April 6th five of us(Kay, Carla, Eva, Karl, and Tomas) met at the Mountainair Community Garden and laid out the first steps needed to turn the community garden into a vibrant community resource!
    We decided to turn the first three 8x3 beds into vegetable gardens with raised beds and completely new soil and nutrients added.That will help protect us against any possible contaminants that some of us were worried about.
    As we procure more finances and/or donations, we will build more raised beds with fresh soil and compost. Meanwhile, we thought we could use the other beds( some 12 in number), which we turned and used last year, as flower beds, for commercial sunflower cultivation, and to experiment with exotic plants, like Jerusalem Artichokes, and Anasazi Corn.

    We will meet every Saturday from 9 AM to 11 AM at the garden, of course, starting April 13th. Come when you can and join the community effort.
    For those that were not there, we missed you, but plan to catch up with you soon.


  2. Thanks, Tomas ~ I'll repost this too, as a separate post, if not here then on Everybody Eats or one of the community blogs.

    I was just thinking about the garden this morning and hoping you had company. You did and missed the wind too. Looking at the large coffee and #10 cans of kitchen compost that I need to empty in the outside bin reminded me of both garden and the composting post I've been thinking about ~ not just a how to but a community call to compost.

    If Eva is Eva Periera, then I know everybody who was there but Karl. When Kay did not come by to offer me a ride, I thought she might not be going.
